I am so excited about
Book Nation's new storefront. Todd Nation has had this business going since 1991, making it Terre Haute's oldest independent bookstore, but lately it's been hidden in an upstairs room with sporadic hours. As of last month, though, the haven for books now has a great storefront space in downtown Terre Haute.
Last night was First Friday in TH, the one night a month that you'll actually see people out on the sidewalks enjoying bits of culture. We stopped by a few art galleries (more on them later) and wandered into Book Nation, where Todd and a friend were unpacking books and working on setting up the store. Boxes of books make me so darn happy. The place is already starting to acquire the delicious old-book smell, and though lots of shelves are still empty, what material is already out gives a quite hopeful indication of the store's new potential. For instance, Sarah gleefully stumbled upon some great Russian-language short story compilations. Who would have thought???

(It was a mutual surprise – as much as Sarah found the discovery unexpected, Todd Nation was thrilled someone finally wanted the random Russian books he'd had for years!)
You can look at
more pictures I took of Book Nation, or just stop by yourself. It's going to be a sweet place.
Book Nation: 677 Wabash, Terre Haute